Artworks that are still in stock are directly for sale, please contact me for more information and prices:

Werken nog in stock zijn rechtstreeks te koop, voor meer informatie en prijzen: 


I'm going to keep this as brief as possible.

Born in 1958, living in Antwerp, Belgium

Started drawing at the age of 10.

Started painting intensely at the age of 30.

Became a fulltime professional painter in 1994.

Before that I was an accountant (briefly) and a graphic designer.

I studied economics, drawing and illustration & graphic design.

I painted in acrylics until the beginning of this millenium,

but because I felt this gave me to much limitations I switched over to oil paints.

I was and am also very interested in sculpture in the broadest sense possible.

This led me to ceramics.

Oh, and for those who care, my works have been shown in New York, Miami, Seattle, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Paris, Antwerp and a whole bunch of less known places.

Every artwork shown on this site is made after 2000.

What I've made until then is sold.